
May 2, 2014

Spring Forest Fire Hazard Season Ends

FRANKFORT, Ky. (May 2, 2014) – The spring forest fire hazard season in Kentucky officially ended this week on April 30. Despite the recent heavy rainfalls, 1,171 wildfires have burned more than 35,613 acres in the state since the first of the year. Most of these fires were due to arson; in fact, more than 60 percent of wildfires in Kentucky in the last five years have been intentionally set. Citizens who have information or witnessed suspected arson activity are asked to call the nearest Kentucky Division of Forestry office, Kentucky State Police post or the Target Arson Hotline at 1-800-27-ARSON. Outdoor burning can lead to wildfires. Before conducting any outdoor burning, citizens are advised to be familiar with the applicable regulations. Citizens should contact the Division for Air Quality, the Division of Waste Management, as well as the Division of Forestry and local fire departments to ensure that they are complying with all outdoor burning laws. Wildfires are less likely during the summer months but can still occur if conditions are dry. For more information about fire hazard seasons, outdoor burning laws and safe burning practices, visit the Division of Forestry’s Web site at

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