Bluegrass Environmental and Evergreen Environmental have many things in common. They’re both Environmental companies, they’re both located in Lexington, Ky. and the list goes on and on, but the most important thing they have in common is that they are both owned by Christians, and this week these two companies came together in Columbia Ky. to provide there services at Lindsey Wilson College, and as the number 3 often occurs in the bible, you guest it, Lindsay Wilson College is a Christian College, completing a perfect trilogy.
In a nation that shy’s away from God and Christianity more and more everyday, in a world that is to afraid of being politically incorrect, Columbia, Ky. is lucky to host two Environmental companies, both owned by Christians, that are not ashamed to say so. Max Combs, owner of Bluegrass Environmental Services and Jerry McCandless, owner of Evergreen Environmental, have known each other, and have worked together, on numerous occasions, for over 10 yrs. now. Myself, being an employee of B.E.S., have heard Max speak of Jerry often, not as a competitor, but rather someone he’s looked up to professionally and respected as a Christian professional. “It’s great company to work with,” Mr. Combs states, “and who better to have for a client than Lindsey Wilson College.” In a perfect world, we here at B.E.S., we would get to work with fellow Christians everyday but that isn’t the case in the real world, making this week a rare but effective trio. The first thing we notice, as we pull up to the job site, is a brand new, bright red dumpster and on the front of this dumpster it reads, “In God We Trust.” Seeing this made us a smile and was assurance that God was with us as we had asked him to be that morning, in prayer, before we left Lexington. Our job of removing asbestos and other harmful or hazardous materials, from the building, owned by the college, took, how many days? You guest it three, sticking with our biblical theme and bringing this blog to a perfect ending and also a perfect point to praise God and to give him all of the glory for a successful and safe environmental clean-up.
We’d like to thank Evergreen for the opportunity to work with them on this project and also Lindsey Wilson College and their staff for being so kind and accommodating during our three day stay in the beautiful town of Columbia. To the people of Columbia, thank you also. You have a beautiful town filled with great people and great food. We look forward to working with Jerry and our friends at Evergreen again and congratulate them for being a light, professionally, that is rarely seen, today, in the world of business. We’d also like to wish Lindsey Wilson College the very best of luck in preparing the young people of today to be our spiritual leaders of tomorrow.

“In God We Trust”

Fellow Christian Businessman Displays Crosses

Job Site, Lindsey Wilson Christian College, Columbia, Ky.

The B.E.S. Crew, Lindsey Wilson College.