FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 27, 2014) – Access to potable water will soon be available to 137 households in northeastern Letcher County. The Department for Natural Resources’ (DNR) Division of Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) announced Friday the award of contract and start of construction for Payne Gap Phase III AML water supply project. “This project will be providing potable water to the residents of northeastern Letcher County, many of whom have been dealing with mine-degraded well water for years,” said DNR Commissioner Steve Hohmann. AML has found that agency-eligible pre-1982 mining has impacted much of the groundwater along state routes 119 and 3406 at the head of the North Fork of the Kentucky River and Bottom Fork, making these areas eligible for AML waterline assistance. This phase of the project includes the following side roads: Bill Lewis Road, Webb Branch Road, Sharies Drive, Bill Moore Branch, Animal Drive, Heavens Valley, Gose Hollow, Richard Adams Road, Log Cabin Drive, Bilvia Drive, Cook Branch and Mountain Laurel Trail. The project also includes a replacement line and booster pump to an existing water storage tank that will be refurbished. This, as well as 40 percent of the cost of the filter bed repair in the Jenkins water treatment plant, will ensure long-term and sustainable municipal water to the citizens of Letcher County. The project, with a memorandum of agreement between the City of Jenkins and AML totals $3 million. The project will be operated by the Letcher County Water District and the City of Jenkins. Packs Inc. of Morehead was awarded the waterline contract with a low bid of $1,793,040. Herrick Company Inc. of Lawrenceburg was awarded the filter bed contract at $336,387. Welding Inc. of Charleston, W.Va. was awarded the tank rehabilitation contract at $272,000. Nesbitt Engineering of Lexington will provide engineering services. The entire project will involve the installation of approximately 12.04 miles of water main in various sizes from 10 in. to ¾ in., one duplex booster pump station, rehabilitation of an existing 300,000-gallon water storage tank, replacement of one of the two filter beds at the Jenkins Water Treatment Plant, valves and the installation of water meters at 137 residences. AML is authorized under Kentucky law (KRS.350) to abate hazards to public health, safety, and the environment from abandoned mine lands. To date, AML has expended more than $112.8 million for waterline improvements and has provided more than 15,069 households with potable water supply in 24 coalfield counties in eastern, southern and western Kentucky.