Frankfort, Ky. (April 28, 2015) – Governor Steve Beshear has proclaimed May 3-9, 2015, as Drinking Water Week in Kentucky to recognize the importance of source water protection and conservation, as well as the value, importance and fragility of our state’s water resources. This year marks the 41st anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act, which ensures quality drinking water and protects the health of our citizens. “Many Kentuckians rely on public water systems to provide a safe and dependable supply of water,” said Energy and Environment Cabinet (EEC) Secretary Len Peters. “We often take for granted water that comes from turning on a faucet; this week is a time to reflect upon the importance of our safe water supply and to recognize the dedicated professionals working to keep it that way.” The Division of Water works with drinking water utilities to guarantee that the water delivered to consumers meets all federal and state standards and is clean and abundant. Because water is a crucial natural resource, wise water use can also help people save money on water, sewer and energy bills. Conservation helps reduce the demand on water treatment and wastewater facilities and to reduce the amount of waste put into rivers and streams. Preventing water pollution and conserving water will help to ensure an adequate supply of usable water for ourselves and for future generations. Kentuckians can conserve water by following a few simple actions both inside and outside the home: • Check for leaks in toilets and pipes. • Run full loads in clothing and dishwashing machines. • Keep drinking water cooling in the refrigerator. • Replace old showerheads with high-efficiency models. • Mulch bushes and trees to retain moisture. • Check for hose and nozzle leaks. • Water early or late when temperatures are low to reduce evaporation. • Recycle rainwater with barrels and buckets for watering plants. • Plant water and drought-tolerant plants to reduce the need to water. To learn more about how DOW is working to ensure safe drinking water in Kentucky, visit